
Zhejiang A-Crystal Technology Co., Ltd., founded in 2008, is a national high-tech enterprise specializing in the research, production, and sales of frequency control components and integrated circuit ICs, providing frequency device solutions to customers. Our main product lines include quartz crystal resonators, quartz crystal oscillators, filters, temperature-compensated and voltage-controlled products, clock chipsets, and related system solutions. Our products, which encompass functions such as signal generation, transmission, filtering, timing, timekeeping, and synchronization, are primarily used in electronic devices such as mobile phones, tablets, satellite communications, automotive systems, positioning systems, smart wearable products, wireless communications, industrial control, and consumer electronics. Through years of development, we have actively grasped the market trends of miniaturization in electronic products, fast optoelectronic broadband transmission, and high-frequency communication. We have delved deep into the field of Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) technology, dedicating ourselves to developing miniature and high-frequency products.
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